George Alger provides seven tips for guests appearing on Our Ventura TV via Zoom video conferencing.

Today we’re going to visit some tips specifically for guests of our show who join us online for a video conferencing interview. These pointers are intended to help you get your message across to viewers with reduced distractions and perhaps show you in a more flattering light. In fact, starting with light, it’s ideal if you:

1) Position yourself with lots of light on your face to provide a better quality picture.

* Soft, indirect lighting (such as ample window light) is more flattering than strong, direct light such as the sun.

* Positioning yourself so that you are facing a window while you’re being interviewed is a good way to accomplish this.

* If the primary light is behind you or directly above, the image will not be as flattering because of shadows.

2) Try to be in a quiet environment at the time of your interview to minimize distractions.

3) Be mindful that your background will be visible on television and online.

4) It is better to have your camera, laptop, tablet or phone on a stable platform than to handhold it.

5) It is more flattering if your camera placement is about eye level. So, regardless of whether you’re using a camera, laptop, tablet or phone, it would be better to raise the device with books, a box, tripod or some other support so that it’s about eye level.

* If you are using a tablet or phone as your camera, place the device horizontally so that the picture format is similar to a TV.

6) Generally speaking, the closer you are to the microphone on your device, the better audio quality you will have.

7) Your internet connection is an important factor regarding the quality of your video conference recording. If you don’t have a great internet connection, you might see that your audio is occasionally not synchronized with your mouth as you’re speaking. You might also see the video slowing down or even stopping. One thing you can do to present yourself better, is to ask those around you at home or in your office to not use the internet while you’re video conferencing. And if that’s not practical, perhaps you can at least ask others to avoid downloading software or watching online videos or doing anything else that can use a lot of the internet connection – at least for the period that you’re participating in the video conference.

That’s it for the tips, and here’s a little more info you might find helpful.

* The completed recording will be broadcast on Ventura cable channel 6 TV.

* Additionally, the individual segments will be posted on the website, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

* If you wish to sign-up for email notifications on the website, you’ll be notified by email immediately as each new segment is posted online.

*We’ll also need a release form signed by you to give us permission to broadcast you on TV.

* Finally, Our Ventura TV is an award-winning, independent cable TV, video and web series. Many of our productions occur in association with CAPS Media Center. However, CAPS staff are not our employees, so any questions about Our Ventura TV are best answered by directing them to myself or any of the other hosts and/or via the “Contact” form on the Our website.

* If you’re interested there’s some additional info on the “Frequently Asked Questions” section of the website.

Looking forward to having you as a guest on Our Ventura TV.

Broadcast week beginning 9/20/20


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7 Tips for Zoom Video Conferencing Guests
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