Artists In The Classroom

Debra Tygell speaks with MB Hanrahan about Artists In The Classroom, which is a Ventura County Arts Council program.

This is the only multi-disciplinary arts residency program available to every K-8 school in Ventura County. AIC offers eight week residencies in dance, music, poetry, visual and performing arts.

Their professional artist educators have taught children of all ages. When a classroom teacher selects a residency, the teaching artist tailors the eight-week program to the appropriate grade level. Many instructors bring a multi-cultural and historical awareness to their lessons, helping students gain an understanding of their own and other cultures, past and present.


Director: Michelle Hoover

Floor Manager: Veronica Slavin

Audio Engineer: Dan Feliz

Sponsor: NONPROFIT FIRE, Google Ad Grants Community Building

Sponsor: GWC PRODUCTIONS, Putting Eyes on Your Music

Sponsor: SKYWORKS MARKETING, Performance Advertising