Every month many children in Ventura County need a home. For their physical and emotional well being, these children have been removed from their homes because they have been neglected, abused or abandoned. They need the love, care, and understanding of a foster family.
Foster parents become a link in a lifelong chain and provide the healing, support, and guidance that can transform a child at risk into a self-assured, successful adult. These children need loving care and a sense of belonging until their own families are able to care for them again. Foster parents receive a monthly reimbursement for their child’s food, shelter, and clothing as well as training, ongoing case management, and support services to help meet the needs of the child.
Website: Ventura.org (Search for “Foster Parenting”).
Producer/Director: GeorgeAlger.com
Camera: Petrina Sharp
Sponsor: NONPROFIT FIRE, Fundraising for Nonprofits
Sponsor: PJ MURALS, We Paint Your World Beautiful
Sponsor: SKYWORKS MARKETING, Performance Advertising