Canine Companions for Independence

Elizabeth and Alan Howell and Pam Williams speak with Sandra Siepak about Canine Companions for Independence.

Founded in 1975, Canine Companions for Independence is a non-profit organization that enhances the lives of people with disabilities by providing highly trained assistance dogs and ongoing support to ensure quality partnerships.

The assistance dogs they breed, raise and train aren’t just the ears, hands and legs of their human partners. They’re also goodwill ambassadors and often, their best friends. They open up new opportunities and new possibilities while spreading joy. They unite people with dogs in a powerful program that leads to greater independence and confidence.

Canine Companions breeds Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, and a cross of the two to be assistance dogs. Volunteers care for their breeder dogs and nurture newborn puppies for eight weeks. Canine Companions puppies spend the next 14-18 months with volunteer puppy raisers who provide basic obedience training, socialization and care.


Director: Michelle Hoover

Floor Manager: Veronica Slavin

Audio Engineer: Dan Feliz

Sponsor: NONPROFIT FIRE, Google Ad Grants Community Building

Sponsor: GWC PRODUCTIONS, Putting Eyes on Your Music

Sponsor: SKYWORKS MARKETING, Performance Advertising