Carol Leish speak with Sandra Siepak about disability awareness.

Leish is a motivational speaker, writer and trainer, teaching and working with Social Service agencies. Her programs offer insight into the world of the physically, mentally and learning challenged person, because she is speaking from her own personal experiences.

As a child, Leish sustained speech and vision disabilities as a result of an auto accident. Instead of focusing on her injuries, she chose to focus on her abilities and strengths.

Leish graduated from CSU, San Bernadino, with a 3.6 GPA, earning her Masters degree in Education and Counseling. She went on to teach at San Bernadino in City schools, and worked for a variety of non-profit organizations.


Director: Michelle Hoover

Sponsor: NONPROFIT FIRE, Google Ad Grants Community Building

Sponsor: PJ MURALS, We Paint Your World Beautiful

Sponsor: SKYWORKS MARKETING, Performance Advertising

Disability Awareness
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