Staged Collision and Fatality at Foothill Technology High School for the “Every 15 Minutes” Program

Life’s lessons are best learned through experience.

Unfortunately, when the target audience is teenagers and the topic is drinking and texting while driving, experience is not the teacher of choice.

This crash is staged. But the emotions are real.

The Ventura Police Department in conjunction with the Ventura Unified School District, the California Highway Patrol, the Ventura County Behavioral Health Department, the Ventura County Medical Center, as well as the faculty and students of Foothill Technology High School, all participated in this “Every 15 Minutes” program.

A student, acting as the Driver in this two-car collision is questioned by an officer.

Rescue workers treat a student participant, acting as the driver in the other vehicle, who, in this case, only suffered minor injuries.

However, another student, playing the part of a fatality, is covered with a yellow tarp.

A fourth student participant, acting as an injured victim, is trapped inside the white vehicle in the front, passenger seat.

Firefighters prepare to cut away the top of the vehicle while police continue their investigation of the driver in the first vehicle.

The “Every 15 Minutes” program is conducted for teenagers and families around the world.

The victim is extricated from the vehicle.

Drinking and driving, or driving while distracted, such as while texting, is dangerous. And these types of collisions could be avoided altogether.

Police officers conduct tests with the student who has been suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol.

The ambulance drives the students, acting as injured victims, to the hospital.

Police officers complete their investigation, including using a breathalyzer and inform the student that the test shows he has more than two times the legal amount of alcohol in his system. Which is in addition to the fact that the student is not old enough to be drinking alcohol in the first place. The officers arrest the “drunk driver” and take him to jail.

The Coroner arrives on the scene and an officer provides him details about the collision.

The Coroner removes the tarp from the student acting as the fatality and inspects the circumstances.

The “Every 15 Minutes” program offers real-life experiences without real-life risks.

The intent of this program is to challenge students to think about drinking while driving, texting while driving, personal safety, and the responsibility of making mature decisions when lives are involved.

Unique in its design and powerful in its impact, the “Every 15 Minutes” program is an educational experience that reminds us all of the dangers associated with driving while drinking and/or driving while texting.

This event was designed to dramatically instill teenagers with the potentially dangerous consequences of drinking alcohol and texting while driving.

Student participants continued their experience by an actual trip to the morgue, the hospital emergency room, and to the police department jail for the purpose of being booked for “drunk driving.”

Produced by: George Alger

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