Dr. Tina Sadarangani speaks with Sandra Siepak about caregiving for others as well as yourself.
(more…)Tag: VCAAA
VCAAA: Serving Seniors and Caregivers
Monique Nowlin, Deputy Director for the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging (VCAAA), speaks with Sandra Siepak about their services for seniors and caregivers.
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Thank You First Responders: Local Food Distribution
FIRST RESPONDER TRIBUTE SERIES: Victoria Jump, Director of the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging, speaks with Monique Nowlin to honor the team of individuals and groups supporting local free food distribution to those in need.
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Thank You First Responders: FoodShare and VCAAA
FIRST RESPONDER TRIBUTE SERIES: Denise Sindelar speaks with Monique Nowlin to honor FoodShare and The Ventura County Area Agency (VCAAA), for their efforts helping the community in times of need.
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Assisting Older Adults with Depression
Denise Noguera speaks with Monique Nowlin about the Ventura County Program to Encourage Active, Rewarding Lives for Seniors (PEARLS), which is part of a national, evidence-based program for late-life depression.
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Helping to Feed Ventura County Seniors
The Ventura County Area Agency on Aging (VCAAA) has expanded its Senior Nutrition Program to include a food pantry in response to the COVID 19 crisis.
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Have You Considered…Older Adults? (1min)
As part of the Our Ventura TV community-generated video series, the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging produced this Public Service Announcement.
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VCAAA Advisory Council
Toni Olson speaks with Monique Nowlin about the Advisory Council for the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging.
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Resources for Depression and Isolation for Older Adults
Peter Schreiner and Kiran Sahota speak with Monique Nowlin about mental health resources available for older adults as well as tips for maintaining optimal mental health as we age.