Ventura County Adult Protective Services

Marcy Snider speaks with Monique Nowlin about Ventura County’s Adult Protective Services.

VC’s Adult Protective Services is part of a California-mandated program that helps to ensure the safety and well-being of elderly and other adults with limited abilities. The staff investigates allegations of abuse and neglect, assesses client needs, and provides short-term case management and a connection to other services.

To make a report of suspected abuse or neglect, call (805) 654-3200. Reports will be kept confidential and callers who are not mandated reporters may remain anonymous.


Director: Petrina Sharp

Assistant Director: Bill O’Connor

Sponsor: NONPROFIT FIRE, Fundraising for Nonprofits

Sponsor: PJ MURALS, We Paint Your World Beautiful

Sponsor: SKYWORKS MARKETING, Performance Advertising