Ventura Water Resource Management

Shana Epstein, Ventura Water General Manager, speaks with Our Ventura TV host, Sandra Siepak, about local water sources, water conservation and water education in Ventura.

Epstein notes that the Ventura Water District has its own water sources: Lake Casitas, the Ventura River and local ground water.

She discusses the Water Wi$e Incentive Program for water conservation efforts by Ventura residents and mentions that the majority of water savings is available from conserving outside water usage more than in-home water use.

She also discusses their student education activities and touches upon their WaterTake1 film contest, which has attracted attention among international filmmakers for the purposes of water education.

Ventura Water has been delivering drinking water from local sources since 1923, cleaning wastewater for more than a century, and preventing stormwater pollution for the past two decades.


Director: Petrina Sharp

Sponsor: NONPROFIT FIRE, Fundraising for Nonprofits

Sponsor: PJ MURALS, We Paint Your World Beautiful

Sponsor: SKYWORKS MARKETING, Performance Advertising