David Hare interview and music performance.
(more…)Month: May 2022
Ventura College and Ventura College Foundation
Dr. Kim Hoffmans and Anne Paul King speak with Sandra Siepak about community colleges, Ventura College and the Ventura College Foundation as well as financial assistance.
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Guardian Mechanic (15sec)
Short story teaser trailer. Read the story here: http://georgealger.com/guardian-mechanic/
Views on Mail Art from a New Participant
Artist Achim Schmacks and translator Thomas Dausmann (both in Germany) speak with George Alger about Mail Art.
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Grace Bible Church
SPECIAL OUR VENTURA TV FAITH-BASED SERIES: Pastor LaJuan Johnson speaks with Sandra Siepak about Grace Bible Church in Oxnard, CA.
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Dancing Artist (11sec)
“Dancing Artist” celebrates literature, film, music, painting, dance and all forms of art.
Ventura County Veteran Services
Jim McHugh speaks with Sandra Siepak about Ventura County Veteran Services. The VC Veteran Services Office helps veterans and their families gain access to financial assistance and medical treatment from federal, state and local agencies.