Jon Lambert speaks with George Alger about the Ojai Film Festival.
(more…)Month: September 2023
Senior Dog Sanctuary
Toni Vanston speaks with Rev. Bonnie Rose about the DaisyLu Ranch, which is a senior dog rescue, hospice and sanctuary.
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Comfort, Care & Support Inside the Hospital
Jacquelyn Gargano speaks with Sandra Siepak about the Ronald McDonald Family Room at the Ventura County Medical Center.
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World History (16sec)
Short story teaser trailer:
Covid Treatments
Dr. Alan Bain speaks with George Alger about Covid treatments and how your doctor is treating you.
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2023 Featured Mail Art (2of5) 1min
This is the second of several videos featuring selected submissions from the Artists For a Better World International 2023 Global Call for Mail Art.
Motorcycle Lizards Unite! (16sec)
Short story teaser trailer. Read the story here: