Insights Behind Public Works

Rick Raives is the Director of Public Works for the City of Ventura. In this interview with Our Ventura TV host, Sandra Siepak, Raives discusses some of their activities.

The Public Works Department builds and maintains infrastructure and protects the environment for the safety, enjoyment and prosperity of future generations.

Some of Ventura’s Public Works services include: environmental education & outreach, recycling, energy conservation, stormwater & beach quality protection, traffic, transportation, parking management, pedestrian & bikeway advocacy, street repair, citywide cleaning, graffiti abatement, fleet & facilities, and design, construction & management of capital projects.


Director: Petrina Sharp

Floor Manager: Bill O’Connor

Sponsor: NONPROFIT FIRE, Fundraising for Nonprofits

Sponsor: PJ MURALS, We Paint Your World Beautiful

Sponsor: SKYWORKS MARKETING, Performance Advertising