In this Our Ventura TV “Ask a Firefighter” series, Ventura High School student, Josh Barretto, asks Ventura Firefighter, Jason Karp, if his department provides emergency medical service.
What Made You Want To Become A Firefighter? (2min)
In this Our Ventura TV “Ask a Firefighter” series, El Camino High School student, Annabelle Augustine, asks Assistant Fire Chief, Matt Brock what made you want to become a firefighter?
Are There Any Special Perks To Being A Firefighter? (1min, 24sec)
In this Our Ventura TV “Ask a Firefighter” series, El Camino High School student, Savanah Pelletier, asks Alex Ramirez if there are any special perks to being a firefighter that not many people know about?
How Much Time Commitment is Required to be a Firefighter? (2min)
In this Our Ventura TV “Ask a Firefighter” series, Ventura High School student, Marcus Chavira, asks firefighter Mathew Powers how much time commitment is required to be a firefighter.
How Many Firefighter Calls Per Day? (50sec)
In this Our Ventura TV “Ask a Firefighter” series, El Camino High School student, Christina Becerra, asks Captain Shawn Hughes how many calls a day they get?
What Was Your Most Exciting Call? (1min)
In this Our Ventura TV “Ask a Firefighter” series, Ventura High School student, Josh Barretto, asks Ventura Firefighter, Jason Karp, what was your most exciting call?
How Much Schooling Do You Need To Become A Firefighter? (2-1/2min)
In this Our Ventura TV “Ask a Firefighter” series, El Camino High School student, Mark Siebler, asks Ventura Firefighter, Jason Karp, how much schooling do you have to do to become a firefighter?
What’s the Most Stressful Part of Being a Firefighter? (3min)
In this Our Ventura TV “Ask a Firefighter” series, El Camino High School student, Annabelle Augustine, asks Assistant Fire Chief, Matt Brock what’s the most stressful part of being a firefighter?
Are Firefighters Superior to Police Officers? (1min)
In this Our Ventura TV “Ask a Firefighter” series, El Camino High School student, Savanah Pelletier, asks Alex Ramirez if firefighters consider themselves superior to police officers.
What’s the Most Appealing Aspect of Being a Firefighter? (1min)
In this Our Ventura TV “Ask a Firefighter” series, Ventura High School student, Marcus Chavira, asks firefighter Mathew Powers what is the most appealing part of the job.