Central America is globally important.
It contains over 7% of the world’s biodiversity and is only .1% of the world’s landmass.
In Nicaragua, many forests have been cut and wildlife hunted to extinction.
(more…)Central America is globally important.
It contains over 7% of the world’s biodiversity and is only .1% of the world’s landmass.
In Nicaragua, many forests have been cut and wildlife hunted to extinction.
(more…)Joanie Blaxter speaks about helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions through healthy food, supplements and nutrition, instead of changing their biochemistry through more drugs.
(more…)The Funeral Consumers Alliance of Southern California is a non-profit, all-volunteer organization that promotes and protects a consumer’s right to choose affordable and personalized end-of-life arrangements.
(more…)The Ventura chapter of Citizens Commission on Human Rights is here to assist you. If you know of anyone, including a child, who has been abused or harmed by a psychiatrist, psychologist, or other mental health practitioner call our psychiatric abuse line at 805-371-1576.
(more…)Army Veteran, James Toler, speaks with Our Ventura TV host, Lyn Fairly, about finding art amidst war in Kandahar, Afghanistan, which has been occupied by U.S. forces for over a decade.
(more…)3D printing enthusiast, Paul Billock, discusses 3D printing technology with Our Ventura TV host, George Alger. 3D printing (or additive manufacturing) is a process of making a three-dimensional solid objects from a digital model.
(more…)Mallory McPherson-Wehan interviews Maija Sarrinen, who is a foreign exchange student from Finland, currently living and attending high school in Ventura, CA.
(more…)Pam Baumgardner talks about VenturaRocks.com — Ventura’s online music entertainment guide — which includes a continually updated calendar of events that serves Ventura as a one-stop reference of the local music scene.