This is the second of four videos featuring selected submissions from the Artists For a Better World International 2021 Call for Mail Art.
Year: 2021
Camarillo Hotel and Tourism Association
Yuliana Gonzalez, the Executive Director of the Camarillo Hotel and Tourism Association, speaks with Sandra Siepak about their work promoting tourism for the city of Camarillo.
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Thank You First Responders: Ventura County Office of Emergency Services
FIRST RESPONDER TRIBUTE SERIES: Ventura County Sheriff, Bill Ayub, speaks with Sandra Siepak to honor the Director of the Office of Emergency Services, Patrick Maynard, for his team’s efforts serving the community during the pandemic.
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Health and Nutrition in a Post-Pandemic Era
Adrian Ceja speaks with George Alger about the impact of the pandemic and stress on our health and offers recommendations for personal improvement.
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A Redhead Temperament (15sec)
Short story teaser trailer. Read the story here: -
Will Breman – VenturaRockSpot
Will Breman’s style is as eclectic as his background. His musical upbringing began with voice lessons from his mother and teaching himself guitar. Since then, Will has tried everything from screaming in metal bands to serenading at coffee shops and touring across the nation.
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What is Community Media?
Our Ventura TV producer, George Alger, discusses community media, some of its history, and CAPS Media, Ventura’s community media facility.
Thank You First Responders: Bell Arts Factory
FIRST RESPONDER TRIBUTE SERIES: SueAnn Gigi Ying, with the Bell Arts Factory, speaks with Monique Nowlin to honor David Yoshitomi and Maribel Hernandez for their efforts pivoting their organization online to continue serving the community during the pandemic.
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Ventura Parks and Recreation Activities and Programs
Stacey Zarazua, Ventura Recreation Manager, speaks with Sandra Siepak about local parks and recreation opportunities.