Carl Morehouse speaks with MB Hanrahan about Ventura Sister Cities.
(more…)Month: August 2023
The Joy of Tutoring
Cynthia Daniels and Linda Lambert speak about tutoring and the nonprofit, Laubach Literacy of Ventura County.
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Childhood Matters
Shaleena Tareen speaks with George Alger about the nonprofit, Childhood Matters, which works with the mental and emotional health of youth and children in Ventura County.
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2023 Featured Mail Art (1of 5) 1min
This is the first of several videos featuring selected submissions from the Artists For a Better World International 2023 Global Call for Mail Art.
Employee Review (16sec)
Short story teaser trailer. Read the story here:
Breaking the Stigma of Mental Health Help
Melissa Hannah, from United Parents, speaks with George Alger about breaking the stigma and building community regarding mental health and help.