Boy Scouts of America, Troop 128 (PSA)

Scoutmaster, Michael Ashley, presents a brief introduction to the Boy Scouts of America and specifically Troop 128.

Boy Scout Troop 128 has been serving Ventura since 1960, they have a rich history full of camping, hiking, kayaking and other outdoors events. The scouts from troop 128 have been well honored with many camping and camporee awards dating back to the early 1960s.

One of the events our troop is known for is our homemade folding kayaks. We do this event every other year, we build them in the winter and during the first week of Summer Break we paddle over 50 miles down the Colorado River.

Troop 128 meets on Thursday’s at 7:00PM at the Grace Lutheran Church at 6190 Telephone Road.



Camera: Petrina Sharp

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