Christian Support to Orphans in the Philippines

Bill Trester speaks with Our Ventura TV host, Bob Taylor, about his group’s aid to orphans in the Philippines.

Trester and his wife, Vail, founded Christian Love Gifts. Their purpose is expressed on the website:

“Bill and Vail have responded to a calling from the Lord to humbly serve His Kingdom in accordance with the Great Commission of Christ, Matthew 28:18-20, in the Philippines. The Holy Spirit has led us to unite with two spiritual leadership partners in the Philippines: Pastors Solomon and Elizabeth Ventura, True Vine Christian Fellowship ; and Ruel and Toni Barte, City of David. These pastoral teams have planted born again churches that teach the Word of the Lord and are open to the work of the Holy Spirit.”


Director: Petrina Sharp

Sponsor: NONPROFIT FIRE, Fundraising for Nonprofits

Sponsor: PJ MURALS, We Paint Your World Beautiful

Sponsor: SKYWORKS MARKETING, Performance Advertising