Community Colleges and the Workforce

President of Ventura College, Dr. Greg Gillespie, speaks with Our Ventura TV host, George Alger, about the role of community colleges re preparing young adults for the work force.

Ventura College offers a high quality, low cost entry into higher education and is a community college with funding from the state of California.

As an accredited two-year institution, it has been a part of its seaside community since 1925. The 112-acre campus, set in the rolling hills of Ventura, has an enrollment of 14,500 students. The college is part of the Ventura County Community College District.

Ventura College is the home of the Ventura College Promise, the largest grant program of its kind in the nation at a community college. Sponsored by the Ventura College Foundation, the “promise” is that all recent Ventura County high school graduates, regardless of family income, the number of units taken, or high school grade point average, will have their enrollment fees covered during their first year of attendance at Ventura College.


Director: Petrina Sharp

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