Katrina Maksimuk Honored at the 2012 Mayor’s Arts Awards

Katrina Maksimuk was honored as the 2012 “Emerging Artist” recipient at the Mayor’s Arts Awards event at the Ventura County Museum on November 15, 2012.

Eric Wallner, chief economy expert with the city of Ventura, introduced Katrina at the event.

Nominated by John Wilner, local photographer Katrina Maksimuk uses photography, film and performance to explore what shapes others and herself. A self-described “subculture photojournalist with a digital twist”, Katrina has been documenting the many facets of the LGBT community for the past ten years. As one of the first residents of the WAV, Katrina has emerged as a community leader by helping with various events such as First Fridays and the Westside ArtWalk. As a leading member of Ventura County’s Drag King troupe, Hir Bois, Katrina regularly performs around the county and has helped the group raise thousands of dollars for Breast Cancer Awareness and HIV/AIDS services. Professionally, through her work with the Ventura County Community Foundation, Katrina has spearheaded projects linking the arts to larger civic issues. Said WAV founder Chris Velasco, “Katrina is an inspiration to others to take personal and professional risks, and an example to all of us in striking a balance between the rigors of creating new work and sustaining one’s

Video Producer: GeorgeAlger.com

Floor Manager: Petrina Sharp

Lighting: Greg Collier

Camera/Audio: Alan Alger

Sponsor: SkyworksMarketing.com