For 2025, Our Ventura TV is proud to launch a special interview series titled Thrive: A Journey to Wellness. This captivating series delves into the multifaceted concept of living a fulfilling and healthy life, as well as empowering viewers with actionable tips, strategies and stories from Ventura County’s vibrant community.
Health and Vitality
Professional nutritionist, Penny Foskaris, speaks with George Alger about health and vitality. She touches upon protein, carbohydrates, fats and exercise as well as the body mass index and the importance of relaxation.
Ventura Health and Wellness
Rebecca Ellis speaks with Sandra Siepak about some of the classes and opportunities for health and wellness through Ventura’s Parks and Recreation as well as special events and volunteering.
Ventura County Family Justice Foundation
Dianne McKay and Miguel Lopez speak with George Alger about the Ventura County Family Justice Foundation.
MANDO Youth Development Group
Tomas Hidalgo speaks with George Alger about the MANDO Youth Development Group, which is a nonprofit with a mission to prevent youth from joining gangs and support those seeking to leave gang life.
Stadium Odds (16sec)
Flash fiction short story teaser trailer: